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QIANG Xiaoke
Highest Education  
  No. 97 Yanxiang Road, Yanta District, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China , 710061
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Education and Appointments:

Qiang Xiaoke
Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
No.10, Fenghui South Rd, Xi'an High-Tech Zone, Xi'an 710075
Tel. 86-29-62336217 Fax 86-29-62336234
1996-2000: Ph.D., Geomorphology & Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Direction: Magnetostratigraphy and Paleomagnetism
Dissertation: Magnetostratigraphic and paleaoclimatic study of Late Cenozoic eolian deposits from the Northern Chinese Loess Plateau
1993-1996: M.A., Geology and Petrology, Department of Geology, Changchun University of Earth Science
Direction: Petrology of Metamorphic Rocks
Thesis: Characteristic and Genetic Model of Spinel Gneiss Series in Daqing Mountain Orogen Zone, Inner Mongolia
1989-1993: B.A, Geology, Department of Geology, Changchun University of Earth Science
Direction: Petrology of Metamorphic Rocks
Graduate report: The Characteristic of Metamorphic Rocks in Fuxin-Jingzhou Orogen Zone, western Liaoning Province
2004-present: Associate Professor, Institute of Earth Environment, CAS
Research Interest: Cenozoic Geology and Global Change, Magnetostratigraphy and Environmental Magnetism
2000-2004: Research Associate, Institute of Earth Environment, CAS
Research Interest: Quaternary Geology, Magnetostratigraphy & Rock Magnetism
2000.02-08: Visiting Fellow, the Tectonic Special Research Centre, University of Western Australia for six months
Research Insterest: Magnetostratigraphy and Environment Magnetism
1996-2000: Magnetostratigraphy and Rock Magnetism and some field work in "Eolian deposits in the northern China and the evolution of the East Asian monsoon system" program
1993-1996: Important participant in "Characteristic and Genetic Model of Spinel Gneiss Series in Daqing Mountain Orogen Zone, Inner Mongolia"
1992-1993: Field investigation in the program of "The Characteristic of Metamorphic Rocks in Fuxin-Jingzhou Orogen Zone, western Liaoning Province"

  • Quaternary Geology and Global change
  • Magnetostratigraphy and Cenozoic Tectonic-Scale Environmental evolution
  • Environmental Magnetism and Human Activities
  • Changes of the monsoon-arid environment in china and evidence of the bio-environmental evolution since the Miocene
  • Environmental magnetism of lacustrine sediments from Heqing drill project and the paleoclimatic changes in the past 2.8 million years
  • Coupled Evolution of the Monsoon-arid Environment System in China:a continental drilling approach


Research Interest:
Public Services:

Selected Publication:

1.An Zhisheng, Clemens Steven, Shen Ji, Qiang Xiaoke, Jin Zhangdong, et al. Glacial-Interglacial Indian Summer Monsoon Dynamics. Science, 2011, 333(6043): 719-723

2.Qiang Xiaoke, An Zhisheng, Song Yougui, Chang Hong, Sun Youbin, et al. New eolian red clay sequence on the western Chinese Loess Plateau linked to onset of Asian desertification about 25 Ma ago. Science China Earth Sciences, 2011, 51(1): 136-144

3.Ai Li, Qiang Xiaoke, Song Yougui, Ao hong, An Zhisheng. Identification of greigite in the late Pleistocene sediments of Lake Qinghai and its environmental implications. 地球物理学报, 2011, 54(9): 2309-2316

4.Sun Yufang, Qiang Xiaoke, Xu Xinwen, Li Xubin, Li Peng, Zhao Hui. Mineral magnetism of the loess sediments in northwestern Loess Plateau.. 地球物理学报, 2011, 54(5): 1310-1318

5.Li Peng, Qiang Xioake, Xu Xinwen, Li Xubin, Sun Yufang. Magnetic properties of street dust: a case in Xi’an City, Shaanxi province. 地球物理学报, 2010, 53(1): 0156-0163

6.Zhang Pu, Liu Weiguo, Qiang Xiaoke, Zhou Weijian, Wu Zhenkun, et al. A test of stable carbon isotope record characteristics of phreatic and outcrop profiles. Quaternary International, 2010, 227: 75-80

7.Qiang Xiaoke, An Zhisheng, Li Huamei, Chang Hong, Song Yougui,Magnetic properties of Jiaxian red clay sequences from northern Chinese Loess Plateau and its paleoclimatic significance. Science in China(D), 2005,? V48(8):1234-1245

8.Wen Lingjuan, Lu Huayu & Qiang Xiaoke, Changes in grain-size and sedimentation rate of the Neogene Red Clay deposits along the Chinese Loess Plateau and implications for the palaeowind system. Science in China(D), 2005, 48(9): 1452-1462

9.Qiang, X. K., Li, Z. X., Powell, C. and Zheng, H. B., Magnetiostratigraphic record of the late Miocene onset of the East Asia monsoon, and Pliocene uplift of northern Tibet. Earth and Planet Sciences Letter, 2001, 187(1-2): 83-93

10.Liu JZ, Qiang XK, Liu XS, Ouyang ZY. Dynamics and genetic grids of sapphirine-bearing spinel gneiss in Daqing Mountain orogen zone, Inner Mongolia. ACTA Petrologica Sinica岩石学报, 2000, 16 (2): 245-255?

Supported Projects:




5、中科院西部之光计划(2006ZD02): 中新世以来特征时段季风-干旱环境演化及生态环境变迁证据,2007.1—2009.12

6、国家自然科学基金(40572109): 鹤庆湖泊岩芯的环境磁学与最近2.8Ma的古气候变化,2006.1—2008.12


8、国家自然基金人才项目创新研究群体科学基金(40121303) 亚洲季风与干旱环境系统耦合过程和发展趋势,2002.01—2004.12,2005.01—2007.12,主要参加人


10、中科院知识创新工程项目KZC X2-SW-118,2002.01-2004.12; KZCX2-108,2000.06-2003.06,参加人

© 2015 Institute of Earth Environment,CAS
Address:No. 97 Yanxiang Road, Xi'an 710061, Shaanxi, China