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Polluted dust derived from long-range transport as a major end member of urban aerosols and its implication of non-point pollution in northern China
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release time:2015-09-09 source: browse:


Polluted dust derived from long-range transport as a major end member of urban aerosols and its implication of non-point pollution in northern China


Yan, Y; Sun, YB; Weiss, D; Liang, LJ; Chen, HY


The contribution of polluted dust transported from local and distal sources remains poorly constrained due to their similar geophysical and geochemical properties. We sampled aerosols in three cities in northern China (Xi'an, Beijing, Xifeng) during the spring of 2009 to determine dust flux, magnetic susceptibility and elemental concentrations. Combining dust fluxes with wind speed and regional visibility records enabled to differentiate between dust transported from long range and derived from local sources, while the combination of magnetic susceptibility and enrichment factors (EF) of heavy metals (Pb, Zn) allowed to distinguish natural aerosols from polluted ones. Our results indicate that polluted dust from long-range transport became a major end member of urban dust aerosols. Human settlements as its potential sources were confirmed by a pollutant enriched regional dust event originating from populated areas to the south as inferred by back trajectory modeling, implying their non-point source nature of dust pollution.

Corresponding author

Yan Yan







Pub year

February, 2015

Publication name

Science of the Total Environment



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